The PHRC Has Lessened The Hair Restoration Cost

Apr 13, 2011 | Blog, PHRC News

If you’re someone that is suffering from the effects of balding, hair loss or hair thinning, then you may have looked into the various methods of hair restoration that are currently available. Your research will likely have uncovered the fact that there has been tremendous strides made in this area over the last several years and that you now have more options available that actually work.

Most people don’t even consider wearing a wig or a toupee because while they may fool some people from a distance, anyone that sees you up close will quickly notice. And even if you could achieve a natural look in this way, the fact that you’re restricted by how you treat the hair and the activities that you participate in don’t make it a very feasible option for most. This is why the Physician’s Hair Restoration Clinic is becoming so well known by those searching for a solution to their hair loss. PHRC’s head surgeon Dr. Carlos Puig has been working on advancing hair restoration techniques since the 1970s, so he’s witnessed the evolution of these procedures.

Contact the PHRC today to receive your free consultation and if you’re concerned about the hair restoration cost, you’ll can rest easy because we offer financing with no credit check following an initial payment. It’s our goal to help anyone with their hair restoration and that’s why we’ve worked hard to make the procedure as affordable as possible. You’ll feel like a new person once you’ve been to the Physician’s Hair Restoration Clinic.


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