Innovation Led To The Success Of The PHRC

Oct 19, 2011 | Blog, PHRC News

One of the trademarks of the Physician’s Hair Restoration Center and head surgeon Dr. Carlos Puig is a constant drive to develop new techniques and approaches to treatment for those dealing with hair loss. This philosophy is one that has led to major advancements in the field of medical hair restoration and the reason that the PHRC was chosen to host an international workshop on the topic of female hair replacement. Hair transplantation for men has come a long way over the last few decades but similar procedures for women had been more difficult to develop due to a number of factors.

By working with his staff at the PHRC and his colleagues from around the world, Dr. Puig has made tremendous strides in female hair replacement. The result of this hard work is a hair transplantation procedure for women that is equally as effective as that for men. But Dr. Puig hasn’t stopped working on new techniques for female hair replacement.

The latest research has produced evidence that women with inherited Ludwig type hair loss could benefit from the injections of growth factors. This is something Dr. Puig is hoping to follow up on and put to the test. He’s currently searching for approximately 40 female patients who are open to trying this form of treatment. It’s this kind of innovation that led the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery to recently name Dr. Puig the new Vice President and President elect of their organization.


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